Sail Mates are small magnetic model boats for simulating situations on the racing field.
They help coaches to easily explain and sailors to understand the rules of sailing, boat maneuvers, trim, wind and current directions, starting strategy, sailing tactics and much more. Sail Mates are an excellent tool for sailing analysis and for upgrading sailing knowledge and skills.
They are used by beginners and experienced sailors, by sailing schools, coaches, race officers, umpires and the members of the jury.
Sail Mates are made of special plexiglass and are completely waterproof. All boats include stainless steel rivet, rotating boom and neodymium nickel plated magnet.
They come in six different packs and three different sizes to meet all purposes and needs. They can be adjusted in different colours and shapes, also customised upon special wishes and creativity.
All Sail Mates are produced in Slovenia, EU, with the uttermost care for every single detail and are recognised by their superior quality.
Our new production method opens a whole new field of possibilities. Sail Mates can now come in different colours and boat-class shapes, customised upon your special wishes and creativity.
Imagine – you can now have your Sail Mates looking like Optimists, Lasers, Melgeses, RC44's or like any other boat class, including the multihulls! We take a good care about the details – from boat proportions (length vs. width) to bum position, colours and styles.
Sail Mates can come with custom logotypes of your sailing club, boat name, crew name, sponsor, in your specific colours, upon your own imagination. Our team of designers will apply it to the boats in the best possible way.
For any additional questions and the custom orders please contact us on
Sail Mates is proud to be RYA's Reward Partner. RYA's members are entitled to a membership discount
A coaching organisation, founded by Trevor Millar, helping sailors from all around the globe to pursue their sailing goals
High performance One-design sailing boats for top level racing, touring around the world's best sailing venues
Former ISAF Vice President, international jury member and the VOR 2014-15 Youth Academy Chief Instructor
SLO Olympic 470 Sailing Team, 6th in Rio de Janeiro after an epic Medal Race win
An Optimist coach with 2 World's silvers and 1 gold, with 4 European golds, 2 silvers and 3 bronzes
After two years of a nice companionship, it's time to say goodbye. Our small magnetic boats have grown enough to live their own life now, under their own brand name - Sail Mates.
It's always nice to go back to the roots, to feel that basic feeling of connection with the elements around. What better way of doing this than on a small, yet powerful boat! This is why Domen and Alex decided to take place in this year's Seascape Circuit.
We're are very proud to be recognised by the highest quality of our products - and to become a proud RYA's Partner. Please, read the article from the RYA's July 2015 Newsletter.
After introducing our first ABS Sail Mates a few months ago, the small magnetic model boats soon caught attention of the race-sailing community. That was a nice push for us, knowing we're thinking in the right direction.
The Sail Mates team was gathered in 2014 by Slovenian sailor Marko Kocmut, the founder of Bulb - wind in your pocket. Bulb is the cover brand for two sailing-related products: Sail Mates and sailcloth products, made from new and experienced sailcloth. After two years, we decided to give both products their own separate lives - with their own brand names and dedicated websites. Sail Mates, formerly sold under the brand of Bulb, are now starting their own life under their brand name - Sail Mates.
DOMEN MAZALIN - W470 Slovenian Olympic Team coach (in 2005) and BMW Sail Racing Academy sailing instructor in 2011-2014. Recently a shore-crew member for VOR E1, for a Russian RC44 Team Nika and Shipman 72. A civil engineer by profession, in charge for design and technical solutions.
ALEKSANDER SEIFERT - a marine engineer by profession, an experienced sailing instructor and shore-crew member on several sailing boats started his career in Seaway Marine as a water manager for Shipman carbon yachts, continuing as a shore-crew member for Extreme40 catamaran, VOR E1 and RC44 Team Nika. In charge for technical solutions and production.
JAKICA JESIH - a crew member of Slovenian 40ft Super Stag Megaenergija, a co-skipper on the 2011 Transat Jacques Vabre Class40 double handed race as a member of the only all-female crew, a former PR manager for the Slovenian Sailing Federation, a freelance sailing journalist with a degree in sport communication, in charge for creative communication and marketing.
ALJA ČERNE MAZALIN - after sailing in class Europe she joined her sister in Olympic 470. They regularly ranked among the top ten on grade 1 international regattas all around the world, from China, Australia, USA to Europe. As an architect she’s won several national and international awards for her innovative projects. Her designing skills match perfectly with Sail Mates' team.